Here I am back sooner than I thought because I have had such a busy busy busy day. First thing this morning, I went on a mini adventure to the river. On the way, I picked some flowers for my mummy but then she lost them. Typical, isn't she of a girl. You give them flowers and they can't even take care of them. I was upset but then I found some more and even carried them home for her. I know she likes them and so I always get some for her. I also spotted some rosemary but she won't let me cross the road; no idea why because I am so much more safety conscious than her.
But I digress as I am wont to do; my mummy thinks I make word salad all the time.
So we went to the river and guess what, we could not find any ducks. May be they were sleeping. It was only after walking for ten minutes that we found two and soon they called their friends on the duck mobile network and suddenly there were many. We had carried loads of bread and you can see me throwing it all in. But for some reason, my mummy kept shouting at me to stay away from the water and not fall in; what does she think I am, a child?
Anyway we finished all the bread and were coming back and suddenly we came across this lovely family of swans. Mummy swan had brought out all the four babies but I was very unhappy because we did not have any food for them. So I sat down and told them to stay put and I would bring them food another day. I think they understood because they were looking at me.
Do you know what my papa did all this while? He just slept at home. When we came back, he was moving around but mummy said he was still sleeping and it is called sleep walking.
After a while, I went out to drive my car in the garden and had a big accident. The car toppled over when it crashed into some blades of grass as I came across a sharp corner and even a full lock on the steering did nothing. I was standing on the brakes but that also did not help. I had to cry loud before the adults heard me and carried me in. Mummy sat down on the sofa with me on her lap and offered to give me a hug to make me feel better, but I don't do that sort of thing because I was okay except it hurt everywhere. I drank some water and that always makes me feel much better.
I thought that was that for the day but then suddenly I got to go to a historic house with a friend and his father and after that, I went to their house for my evening meal. I had a lovely burger, followed by a strawberry lolly.
And now I am so tired that I am going to have to throw a tantrum so that I can prove I am not a child. I will see you all soon again.
Do tell if you have had an exciting day like this recently.