Here I am, after a long absence. I did think I would post something in the half term but I was very unwell and did not do very much. Today I went to a party and had a good time and when I came back, I wanted to create a new recipe and here it is. I also got my mummy to cook it and here it is, my very first recipe.
Tomato and Parsley with Roti
First, you have to crush some garlic with a green chilli. Now add some oil to the pan and cook them for a minute. Now mix tomato and parsley and cook them together and also add lemon juice. Now, you have to cook and also add teeny weenie bit of masala. And then, you leave that to cook for 15-20 minutes. Then you really have to add some salt to it. Stir well and you finish the cooking.
Make some rotis. First you need to get some dough and then roll it out and add some ghee and also add some spices inside. Cook on low heat.
Now you have to add some ghee or butter and also with it, you have to get some vegetables from the fridge and if you like, you can also have some yoghurt. And then if you like it, you can cook it another day.
So please let me know how did you like it.
Sounds good, perhaps you can cook it for me when I come to see you next time. Nanny XX