Tuesday 19 August 2014

Filming in Portsmouth

I went to Portsmouth with my parents last weekend. I took my new video camera and made some movies about the city and all the big ships I saw.


Papa will put some of them up on my Youtube site soon so that you can all see them.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

My homemade radio

Success, the radio I built now works!

Papa didn't think there was much chance of it working, but when we took it outside and put up a long antenna, you could hear some radio stations.

My summer project

Hi All
I have been really busy this summer and most of my holidays are gone already. Now if you are wondering what I have been doing, this might give you an idea.
Today we took my wonderful cart to the park to check what it could do and guess what.
I am very pleased with what we have done so far. What do you think?

Sunday 20 April 2014

Here is what I got up to for Easter

Hi All I am back with a new venture. Today it is raining here so I decided to do something different. Here it is. Hope you like it.

Saturday 19 April 2014

I went to see Balaji and got a surprise

This week on Wednesday, I went with my parents to Balaji temple in Birmingham.
This time, Govind also went with us. Infact I look a bit miserable because on the way to the temple, I was bounced around a bit on the back seat and felt a bit queasy but Govind had to go and see Govinda. If you are confused, Govind is mummy's new car and Govinda is another name of Balaji. Here is Govind looking at Govinda .
Because it was a bright day, my papa gave me a surprise and took me to the Evesham Railway. Guess, how I felt when I got there.
Here is the shiny locomotive which is called Dougal.
And here is my lovely carriage.
And these are our tickets for the return journey, which were checked both ways.
And here is Dougal, the engine being turned around after our journey for the next run.
For some reason, mummy wanted to have this photo taken.
And this is how pleased I was with my papa for taking me to see the steam railway.
And if you have not met them before, here are my parents with big tikkas on their foreheads which I put on for them.
I really truly enjoyed my day out. What did you do in your holidays?

Friday 28 February 2014

French Verse Competition

On Thursday, I entered a French verse competition at St Mary's School in Gerrards Cross. There were a lot of prep schools who attended the event.
I was representing my school for Year 4. I thought my performance went ok but I was very surprised when I got second prize.
This is what my school newsletter had to say about me.
French Verse Speaking Competition
“Sam in Year 3 was our first candidate to compete in the Festival and we admired how brave he was. Then Giles gave a wonderful performance which rightly deserved 2nd prize. Emily and Jessie also gave brilliant performances, with a very challenging rendition of a Year 6 Poem by Jessie, all about punctuation. I am so proud of all the children and would like also to praise our reserve children for cheering on the finalists and looking after them. What a spirit! My thanks to Mrs Bedford, Mr & Mrs Turner and Mrs Sumroy, for helping with transport this year - VIVE LA POESIE!” Mme Grogan.
On Thursday 27th, a selected few from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 went to St Mary’s to compete in a French Verse Speaking contest. They learnt French poems off by heart and read them out to an audience. Giles from Year 4 was awarded 2nd prize. Everyone put a lot of time and effort into the learning of their poems and in practicing reading them aloud. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this competition.” Annabel
Here are all the children from my school who competed for other years.
I am really happy about my success. Do you think I did well?

Thursday 13 February 2014

My New Poem

I was asked by my school to write a poem with the title My Magic Box. This is what I came up with. I got top marks for my work from school. Do you like it?
The Magic Box
I will put in the box
A quiet purring sound of an old Rolls Royce
A loud thundering sound of a big Lamborghini
A big rumbling sound of a McLaren P1
I will put in the box
A happy gurgle of a little baby
A big throaty laugh of a dear loved one
A quiet smile of a favourite teacher
I will put in the box
A big rumbling roar of a thunderstorm
A quiet gentle pitter-patter of the rain on the roof
A whooshing sound of the wind by the side
I will put in the box
The sweet smell of red roses growing in the garden
The gentle perfume of the lilies in the pond
The deep beautiful smelling herbs in the patch
I will put in the box
A sight of the glorious Taj Mahal on a moonlit night
A vision of a great waterfall coming down a cliff
A gentle stream with fish swimming in
I will take my box and store it away
Till I grow up and remember it all again
To open and enjoy all the great little things
That made me happy and gave my mind wings

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Another school award.

Look I got another award from my school.

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Flooding in Cookham

Last weekend Mummy & Papa took me to see the floods in the village.

It was so deep that people were using canoes to get around. You couldn't see where the river was at all.

This was the main road leading to the village. The sign said the water was 5' deep.

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Location:Cookham Village