Friday 28 February 2014

French Verse Competition

On Thursday, I entered a French verse competition at St Mary's School in Gerrards Cross. There were a lot of prep schools who attended the event.
I was representing my school for Year 4. I thought my performance went ok but I was very surprised when I got second prize.
This is what my school newsletter had to say about me.
French Verse Speaking Competition
“Sam in Year 3 was our first candidate to compete in the Festival and we admired how brave he was. Then Giles gave a wonderful performance which rightly deserved 2nd prize. Emily and Jessie also gave brilliant performances, with a very challenging rendition of a Year 6 Poem by Jessie, all about punctuation. I am so proud of all the children and would like also to praise our reserve children for cheering on the finalists and looking after them. What a spirit! My thanks to Mrs Bedford, Mr & Mrs Turner and Mrs Sumroy, for helping with transport this year - VIVE LA POESIE!” Mme Grogan.
On Thursday 27th, a selected few from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 went to St Mary’s to compete in a French Verse Speaking contest. They learnt French poems off by heart and read them out to an audience. Giles from Year 4 was awarded 2nd prize. Everyone put a lot of time and effort into the learning of their poems and in practicing reading them aloud. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this competition.” Annabel
Here are all the children from my school who competed for other years.
I am really happy about my success. Do you think I did well?


  1. Congratulations Krishna ! Maasi is very proud of you. A big achievement for my little boy. This is really GREAT. Very pleased. Keep up the good work.!!!
